Goldwyn Bull Sale: A Cracking Day Out.

They come from far and wide.

Last Friday was the 15th Annual Stud Bull Sale at Goldwyn Farm tucked under the Hunter Hills of South Canterbury. Owned by my Uncle (Bruce Alexander) it is always a highlight of the business year for both the farm and for some of those involved. It becomes a bit of a family and district event as people chip in to make the day a success.

Breeding top Bulls is a challenging and interesting game to be in and whilst I don’t profess to know much about it, I certainly enjoy watching the day unfold and being part of it. The sale itself is a culmination of years of hard work. To constantly improve and perfect a blood line that then is used to better the Angus breed nationally is something that gives Bruce a lot of satisfaction. It is leaving a real legacy within the industry for current and future generations.
I enjoy watching farmers, who travel from far and wide, checking out the livestock. The art of working

Here is what a $10,000 bull looks like.

with stock, reviewing the breeding statistics and then actually looking at each Bull through an experienced set of eyes with a lifetime of experience and assumption.  Then the auction itself, the breeders introduction to the property and the year that has been, the auctioneers summary of each bull, the bidding, the sale and the preparation for transport of a lot of heavy livestock.

Then the social time that sees a real mix of people have a few beers, some homecooked baking and some angus pure steak straight from the BBQ.
A bloody good day out and a successful one for Goldwyn, home of one of New Zealands top Angus bloodlines. The best in my humble opinion!
Checking out the gear. Pre-auction time.
What to bid on?
An introduction from the man himself. Bruce Alexander.
Looking good.
A few beers and a good yarn.
Angus Pure rolls off the BBQ. Southern Gold!