Some Pics of My Life in the South 2012

Mum feeding out to sheep. Heavy snow, South Canterbury. A few years back!

A farmer and her dog.

A new family of ducks…..The duck pond at the drive gate to our farm.
Out Harley riding. Freedom!

Backyard family soccer game! Serious stuff

Evening shot, Sumner, Christchurch…..home Sept 12

So true…….do something that scares you on a regular basis!
The farm 2012: A Southern man.

A friend of mine biking around Christchurch to Board meetings. An asian tourist took this pic of him at the lights and text it to him. Random!

I love this story from a US local newspaper. You need to try not to fall!

Navigating in the bush, Oxford, Canterbury. The Army Reserve jungle training.
A Harley “Ride for the Fallen”. President of the Patriots, a military charitable club is one of the riders raising money for the families of servicemen & women killed or injured serving their country.

The family cat is an alien….evidence in this pic curled up on the couch.

Can’t beat an army dinner. Dunedin Oct 12

A view from our Auckland office taken during a visit. A long way from the south!

Pet lambs. Rosey (junior) and George hoover some milk.

The road to Dunedin. The beach that parallels the Main Highway North of Palmerston.

Oh joy…..finding my seat at the primary schools 2 hour musical is right behind the woman with an enormous head = missed a lot of the action!

Ride for the Fallen. At Burnham military camp taking kids for rides and raising money for the fallen.
A cold spring morning……sunrise in Christchurch on a frosty morning as kids head off to the school bus. Aug 12

Walking on Sumner beach…..a chilly evening in Aug 12

Farmers yearning by the ute. South Canterbury.

A pic taken a number of years ago of the “hut”. An old (1880’s) cottage then shearers quarters at our wool shed on the farm. South Canterbury.

Feeding out on the farm after weeks of rain in August 12. A muddy job.

Leaving a few footprints on the beach south of Kaikoura. An early morning walk Sep 12

Brothers in arms about to go into action. Dunedin, Oct 2012. Inter Battalion rugby for the Army Reserve.
“Taking to his scrapers.” A soldier of the NZ Army Reserve moving fast. Arthurs pass training area.

A random lone sheep hanging out in the middle of a river bed. Lake Lyndon area, Arthurs Pass.

A soldier of the 2nd Battalion, NZ Army Reserve takes a breather. Canterbury.

Like these pics of life in the south of NZ. Check these other posting out;

Time out: Recent pics from the Beautiful south of NZ

The Blast ANZAC collection: 2011: A few memories

A South Island Autumn. May of 2012

Summer Holidays in the South & Other Places

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